We all know that the stress of exams can be… well… extremely stressful. But don’t give up! I’ve got some helpful tips to get you through exam week, whenever that may be! I shared some of these hacks in my previous email list. If you aren’t signed up already, please do!

One thing before we start. If you didn’t notice, I added a “Let’s Chat, Shall We? Version 1.0” page. Go ahead ask all the question you want! The only requirement is that the questions should be clean and respectable to both God and man. I’m looking forward to answering your questions!



1 | Sleep with your blinds/curtains open. Waking up to natural light makes you feel more energized and ready to start the day! I’ve tried this tip, and it actually works so well.

2 | Drink water before bed to clear you system. In the morning you’ll feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

3 | Try not to eat snacks close to bedtime, your stomach will have to digest the food overnight which could make sleeping a problem.

4 | Stay off screens at least 1/2 hour before bedtime to allow your system to “cool-down” for the day.

5 | If you have trouble sleeping, don’t pull out your phone/tablet/computer. Read! Reading is one of the best remedies for insomnia.

6 | If you still can’t sleep, go grab something to drink or snack on.


1 | If you haven’t been give them in physical form, print off your study guides. Staple the individual ones together, then keep them in a safe place like a binder or file folder. 

2 | Hold it there! Don’t jump for the computer. Grab a notebook or lined paper, and go for it. Take it one section/book at a time, and write the answers to the questions down on paper by hand. Writing by hand increases memory.

4 | Fill out your study guide for as long as you can. Take a 5-10 minute water/snack break, then get back at it.

3 | Now, re-do this, but on the computer document. Doing the guide twice will help you retain your memory.

4 | For any vocab (science), write them out on flashcards, or type them up on Quizlet (or Duolingo for languages). 

5 | Don’t cram! Take it slowly, one section at a time.


1 | Stay hydrated! I can’t stress this enough. Your body is made up of water – 60% of your body mass, in fact! It’s what keeps your body moving. Fill up a water bottle and keep it by your workspace. You don’t want to get de-hydrated. 

2 | For snacks, choose healthier options. We all know that our go-to foods would be chips, ice cream, and all that junk food…  but those you will decrease your energy level and, even though you think you’re on a high, you’ll plummet and feel gross in a few hours. Try apple slices, carrots & hummus, a homemade fruit salad, or Greek yogurt with honey. Healthy food will get your energy level up for exams to keep your mind clear and at it’s fully energy level capacity.

3 | Eat full meals. Don’t under-eat! You don’t want to be hungry and go grab those junk foods I talked about earlier.


1) Reward yourself! Go get some ice cream (yes you can :D)!

2) Celebrate, because you just did your exam. That dreaded thing is over! No more stress, no more studying, and, hopefully, a break!


I hope these tips help you! It’s a long way up this mountain, but the other side is worth the climb. 👊


What is your favorite way to study for an exam?

What is your least favorite exam to take (although I get if there’s more than one!)

Press on, I know you can do it!


 “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” Colossians 3:23-24


16 thoughts on “17 EXAM HACKS

  1. The second study tip I lived by last year when doing my high school exams. I didn’t touch my laptop once and filled up at least six notebooks doing exercises and writing out my notes over and over again and now I’ve found that I rarely take my laptop to uni anymore. I just write it all! Best but oldest and sadly overlooked life hack out there.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rebecca you and I go to the same school, so we have you-know-whats coming up after break…….thanks for the tips! I know I’ll be crunching my study guide over break.

    Liked by 2 people

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