Setting Up My Bullet Journal [Part 2.0] + Introducing “Let’s Chat, Shall We?”


I was surprised at the great responses I got on my first post of Setting Up My Bullet Journal! Since you guys loved it, I decided to post part 2. In this sitting, using the same materials as last time and some acrylic paint, I added a couple of themed pages as well as some habit trackers.

Tour My Academic and Blogging Planners + Freebies! #RiflePaperCo.

LIFE TIPS / HACKS, wellness

Planning is really, really awesome.

And so is blogging! Planning your blogging is great. That’s why I’ve combined these two together in this post! The planning theme has been floating around the blogosphere a lot lately, so to catch the trend, I’m going to give you a tour of my Academic and Blogging planners for this coming year!

There will be links to where I bought both of the journals at the bottom of each section.

All images, including the featured photo, were taken, edited, and are owned by me. For more on this.

Bible Journaling: Tips & Tricks

INSPIRATION, Uncategorized

Hey there! For those of you wondering, it might of seemed strange why I wasn’t really active on here for about a week or so… but not to worry! My family and I just came back from a road trip to the U.S. We had so much fun….but now I’m ready to get back into blogging 😄 So without further ado, let’s jump right in!


This post is all about Bible Journaling! I’m going to share with you tips with you, along with – well – a bunch of other stuff! For some, it may be intimidating, and I want to show you how it can be both easy and fun! If this post was of any interest to you, and you’d like to see more, leave me a comment!


My first tip for you is to start with prayer. Ask God to show you a verse to journal, and to teach you something through it. Starting with prayer is always a good idea.

Bible Journaling can be made part of your devotions – as you journal, take some time to pray. If you like listening to music, play some as you journal. Instrumental music is a good choice… you don’t want to be listening to a song with lyrics as you can get distracted 😉


For Bible Journaling, it is (kind-of-sort-of-really) vital to use a Bible with large margins. They are usually called “Journaling Bibles” or sometimes “Creative Bibles”. These large margins allow space for journaling.

The supplies you use don’t have to be “fancy” or expensive. You can find decent writing utensils at your local craft store for under $10. Some places I recommend looking is HobbyLobby, Michaels, Target, or Walmart. DaySpring “specializes” in Bible Journaling; look on their website to find supplies there (although I find them pricey). Keep in mind that most Bible pages are thin, and most markers/pens will bleed through the pages. Try to find markers/pens that are bleed proof. The ones I have are the “Precision Pens”.

If you don’t know what colors go well together, or are having a hard time deciding the colors to use, find a color wheel such as this one, or look on Pinterest for combination ideas. You can also search for font combinations. I’ve provided these images below for you to take a look at.

Click the image to enlarge it. Image credits to the owners.


If you have a verse in mind that you want to journal, great! Move on to the next step. 

If not, take some time to look through your Bible for a verse. Look for a unique verse that you may not have come across before or one that isn’t common. It may give you a new understanding of the verse.

Here are some verses that would be fun to journal.

Luke 1:37 – “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

Matthew 9:13 – “…for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

1 John 4:13 – “Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.”

Psalm 118:24 – “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Philippians 4:4 – “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”

1 Corinthians 13:13 – “ But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Joshua 1:9 – “ Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

2 Timothy 1:7 – “ For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Psalm 91:1 – “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Philippians 1:21 – “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

2 Samuel 22:33 – “God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.”

Look for inspiration on Pinterest. Just search “Bible Journaling” and you’ll find hundreds of ideas. If you want a more refined search, try typing “Bible Journaling” and then the specific verse you are journaling. It may help to search “bullet journal font” for font ideas. You can also find inspiration from your Bible if it comes with pre-designed art.

Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 2.46.14 PM

If you don’t have access to your Bible & supplies, or don’t feel in “the mood”, save the pins that you like (or, love!) to a board on Pinterest, and then you can come back and find them when you want to journal.

Have a scrap sheet of paper to sketch your design on so you have an idea of how you’re going to journal. That way, you (hopefully!) won’t mess up when journaling in your Bible. But don’t worry if you do. After all, “You can only go forward by making mistakes”! Think of it as a lesson. You learn from making mistakes. Your Bible Journaling won’t always be perfect…. in fact, it never will be, but that’s okay! 

I doodled a design on scrap paper, but I didn’t go with that exact plan in my final design in my Bible (take a look at it below).

This is the fun (and sometimes intimidating) part! Sketch lightly with a pencil your design onto an empty margin in the appropriate place. Fill in the design with colorful pens and markers. Don’t press too hard, in case the marker shows on the other side. Make sure you let the design “dry” for a few seconds before closing your Bible. If you don’t, the markers/pens may transfer to the opposite page.

Remember to date your art! That way, you can look back on it and see how far you’ve come (if that makes sense).

Remember that everyone’s art will be different! Don’t worry about perfection; this is a time for you to explore God’s word and express your thoughts through art. Relax and have fun!

As you can see, mine designs aren’t perfect. Everyone has their own talents, and maybe Bible journaling isn’t one of mine… I hope to increase my skills in the (near) future 🙃 Anyways, I hope this blog post inspired you to spend (more) time in God’s word, and that you will be able to live out your faith in a new way – through art!

7(join the conversation by commenting below!)

What is your favorite way to spend time in the Word?

What supplies do you use for your Bible Journaling?

What kind of posts do you want me to write in the future?

Have any questions?


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