The Ship It or Rip It Tag


Adventurous. Beautiful. Valiant. Intense. Calm. Lovable. Dangerous. Afraid. Extreme. Depressed. Enthusiastic. Worriesome. Brave. Young. Old. All these attributes describe book characters. And they can be described in many more ways than these few adjectives… the list goes on!

Setting Up My Bullet Journal [Part 2.0] + Introducing “Let’s Chat, Shall We?”


I was surprised at the great responses I got on my first post of Setting Up My Bullet Journal! Since you guys loved it, I decided to post part 2. In this sitting, using the same materials as last time and some acrylic paint, I added a couple of themed pages as well as some habit trackers.

Giving Thanks (Even When The Sky Is Falling)


Sometimes it can be hard to be thankful.

Amidst everything there is in life, giving thanks can be challenging. You or a loved one might be sick. A family member or friend may have gone down the wrong path. Maybe something didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to. Or you simply failed a science test.

It’s that time of year where the snow is starting to fall and people are getting ready for Thanksgiving celebrations. Maybe you’ve had yours already. Nonetheless, I thought it would be a great time to share my thoughts on thankfulness.