BEST OF 2017: My Year In Review + LCSW Answers + I’m Going On Hiatus?!

LIFE TIPS / HACKS, wellness

Time. It’s flying. Fast. And I can’t catch it. Where has it gone?

It’s the end of December and the New Year is creeping up on us. January is going to be crammed with the stress of exams and the excitement of the new semester. I’ll be scrambling to use those tips to help me pass! 

In this post, I’ll be sharing my 2017 year in review as well as the my answers to YOUR questions and a special announcement. I’M GOING ON HIATUS!


bookish things:

I read 37 books this year. I didn’t set my goal too high, initially starting my goal of reading 30 books in late spring. This year I intend on “raising the bar.”

Here’s a stat from my Year in Books.

MOST POPULAR: 2,392,326 people also read The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
LEAST POPULAR: 13 people also read Rescue at Fort Edmonton by Rita Feutl
I read 9,323 pages over 37 books. I probably read more (daily Bible reading and other books), because this only includes books I tracked on GoodReads.

bloggish things:

I started Joy Unspeakable! This past month was my blog’s 6-month anniversary. I now have over 180 followers! Thank you guys so much for following me. You can read more about it all in this post.

life things:

 hehe sooo I don’t have much to share for this category…
I actually started to manage my time better this year.
I completed book 6 in my violin repertoire.
I made many new friends both online and “irl.”
I didn’t drink more water as I aimed to do, unfortunately.
I didn’t workout 2 times a week as I planned on doing.



I just love this awesome blog! I love just about every post that comes out! What made you want to start it? Aww, thank you! I wanted to start my blog to share my thoughts with the world and interact with like-minded people.

Where do you get your blog post ideas? I have compiled a gigantic list of post ideas in my blogging journal, which I got from other blogs and social media platforms, like Pinterest.

How do you manage to post twice a week? If you’ve been paying close attention, then you’ve noticed that I’ve been a little inconsistent with posting twice a week. I’ve learned that it’s okay if you miss a day. People may wonder why you haven’t posted, but they’ve been there. Life happens.

Where do you make your lettering/flower images? I get my graphics from a variety of free websites such as AngieMakes, Fox+Hazel, and more.

What helps get followers so I’m not just talking to my aunt and my dad? Haha! Get out there by commenting on blogs and other platforms, linking to your blog. But don’t post fake comments and advertise. Be sentimental and honest.

How long have you been blogging? I started this blog, Joy Unspeakable, in June of 2017! I just had my 6-month blogiversary.

Do you plan on being a professional lifestyle blogger? I’m not sure where this blog will take me!

What are your favorite topics to post on? I love posting about my faith and the truth of Jesus!

How did you come up with your blog name? I wrote a bunch of name ideas on a post it note and really loved the sound of Joy Unspeakable! The joy of salvation is, truly, unspeakable! I hope to focus more on Chrstitainity in the


What’s your favorite song? I don’t have a favorite, but I’ve been loving The Piano Guys covers lately.

Do you play any instruments and what are they? I play Violin (have been for 9+ years) and Piano (for as long as I can remember!)

What are a few of your favorite Christmas carols? O Holy Night, O Come O Come Emmanuel, and What Child is This!


What type of cake do you like best? (chocolate, ice cream, cheese cake, etc.) I LOVE ALL CAKE! Ahh so hard to choose. I think I’d pick cheesecake!

Do you like spicy food? In moderation.

What is your favorite food? I love pizza (so generic) and brownies. If you know me well, you know I adore any sweet baked good.

Which would you choose: sword or bow and arrows? Bow and arrows! So much more of a Susan than a Peter! #awkwardnarniareference


What’s your favourite genre to read? I love historical fiction!

What are your top favorite books? (Asking for just one is too hard, I know!) I love Wonder, the Viking Quest Series, and the Anne of Green Gables series.

What’s your favourite color? I don’t have one! At this time I’m really liking deep reds, like maroon.


Before you guys start freaking out, I’m not leaving forever though I did think about it. I’m only leaving on a short long 4 week hiatus. I’ll still be in the blogging world but taking a break from posting and sending out emails. Here are some reason’s I’m taking a break.

I need to step back | Blogging is sooo much fun. But it’s also a ton of work. I feel like lately I haven’t been able to give my all into blogging. I’ll take this hiatus to regain my composure and start back up on a good foot. I also need time to rethink my mission for my blog.

I have exams | I need to take some things out of my life right now to focus on studying for exams and preparing for the new semester.

I need time to focus on life | Blogging has been taking up time out of my life that could be used for more productive things (not saying that it’s bad.)

When will I be gone? | January 1-26th, 2018. I know it may seem like a lot eek a whole month, but this gives me time to set aside distractions to focus on exams and life.

I do hope you understand! I won’t be leaving you forever and when I come back, I’ll be ready as ever to face the new season.


So I don’t really have any New-Year resolutions surprise surprise, although I do have some things I want to aim to do in 2018. What are you planning to accomplish in the new year? (COMMENT DOWN BELOW!)


What is something you accomplished and are proud of?

What does 2018 hold for you?


“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11

Let us take a moment of silence to state the fact that this post is over 1,000 words long XD



31 thoughts on “BEST OF 2017: My Year In Review + LCSW Answers + I’m Going On Hiatus?!

  1. Ooh, it was fun to read your answers, Rebecca! 😀 And that makes total sense to take a hiatus, especially with exams – yikes. O.o I hope you come back refreshed and renewed and ready to write some more amazing posts! 😀 I’ll be ready to read them. 😉 Also I hope and pray your exams go well and aren’t too stressful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your answers were really fun to read! The Anne of Green Gables series are my favorite. 🙂 Have you read Rilla of Ingleside? It’s the last one. I hope that you have good luck on your exams! Happy Hiatus!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am taking a hiatus for exams too (and I have 3 more than you I really should extend my hiatus!) Good luck on exams! I’m hoping that by starting to study earlier, I can spend a little more time blogging by not having to cram 3 days before.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Rebecca, I don’t think that I’ve ever commented, but I have been following and LOVING your beautiful blog for awhile,and just thought I’d introduce myself! I really love this post, it is so wonderful to reflect on all the things God has done in my life over the past year,and get excited for what the next holds! I will miss your amazing posts, but totally understand the need for a break! 🙂 Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. loved this post! so proud of you too! you had such a productive year *shrinks* aww I’ll miss you!!! hopefully you’ll have a great haitus! I know that you’re going to be off, but I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award. It’s totally optional, but if you’re interested, here’s the link:
    you totally deserve it 🙂
    it’s 7 days late, but happy new year!

    Liked by 1 person